Main | Schedule | Glory | Training | Anniversary | ECA Maze | BBQ | Objectives | Plans | Man Com | Sch Com | Poomse | Guest Bk | MSHS
Combined Basic Movements | Basic Taegeuk | Taegeuk 1 | Taegeuk 2 | Taegeuk 3 | Taegeuk 4 | Taegeuk 5 | Taegeuk 6 | Taegeuk 7 | Taegeuk 8
Start : Begin with Chunbi position.
Movement 1 : turn 90 degrees left into a left tiger stance facing D and execute a palm block with right hand. Meaning : middle section defense. |
Movement 2a : execute a middle sectoin front kick with right foot |
Movement 2b : step back with right foot into left tiger stance and execute an inner arm block with left arm. Meaning : counterattack and middle section block. |
Movement 3 : turn 180 degrees right into a right tiger stance facing C and execute a palm blcok with left hand. Meaning : middle section block. |
Movement 4a : execute a middle section front kick with left foot. |
Movement 4b : step back with left foot into a right tiger stance and execute an inner arm block with right arm. Meaning : counterattack and middle section block. |
Movement 5 : turn 90 degrees left into a left back stance facing B and execute a double knife-hand block. Meaning : low section defense. |
Movement 6 : step forward into a right back stance and execute a double knife-hand block. Meaning : low section defense. |
Movement 7 : turn 90 degrees left into a left tiger stance facing F and execute a palm block with right hand while moving left left and under right elbow. Meaning : middle section defense. |
Movement 8 : remain in same stance and execute a high section back-fist strike with right fist. Meaning : counterattack by defender. |
Movement 9 : turn 180 degrees right into a right tiger stance facing E and execute a palm block with left hand while moving right fist under left elbow. Meaning : middle section defense. |
Movement 10 : executte a high section back-fist strike with left hand. Meaning : counterattack by defender. |
Movement 11 : turn 90 degrees left into a closed stance facing B and place palm of right hand over knuckles of right fist and raise fist slowly to chin level at half arm's lengh in front of body. Meaning : concentratation move --- student is preparing himself to explode into action. |
Movement 12a : step forward with left foot with a left front stance and execute simultaneous outer arm block with left arm and down block with right arm. |
Movement 12b : remain in same stance and execute simultaneous outer arm block with right arm and down block with left arm. Meaning : double simultaneous defenses for lower and middle sections. |
Movement 13a : step forward with right foot into a right forward stance and execute simultaneous under arm block with right arm and down block with left arm. |
Movement 13b : remain in same stance and execute simultaneous outer arm block with left arm and down block with right arm. Meaning : double simultaneous defenses for lower and middle sections. |
Movement 14 : turn left 270 degrees into a left forward stance facing G and execute simultaneous outer arm blocks with both arms. Meaning : middle section defense against double attack. |
Movement 15a : execute a middle section strike with right knee |
Movement 15b : jump forward into right twist stance and execute simultaneous middle sectoin uppercut knuckle punches with both hands. Meaning : double counterattack by defender. |
Movement 16 : step back with left foot into a right forward stance and execute a low X block. Meaning : low section defense. |
Movement 17 : turn 180 degrees right into a right forward stance facing H and execute simultaneous outer arm blocks with both arms. Meaning : middle section defense against double attack. |
Movement 18a : execute a middle section strike with left knee. |
Movement 18b : jump forward into a left twist stance and execute simultaneous uppercut knunckle punches with both hands. Meaning : double counterattack by defender. |
Movement 19: step back with right foot into a left forward stance and execute a low X block. Meaning : low section defense. |
Movement 20 : turn left 90 degrees into a left walking stance facing A and execute a high section side back-fist strike with left hand Meaning : defender takes offfensive. |
Movement 21a : execute inner crescent kick to palm of left hand with right foot. |
Movement 21b : step down with right foot into a horse riding stance and execute an elbow strike to left palm with right elbow Meaning : double counterattack. |
Movement 22 : slide right foot back into a right walking stance and execute a high section side back-fist with right hand. Meaning : defender continues offfensive.
Movement 23a : execute an inner crescent kick to palm of right hand with left foot |
Movement 23b : step down with left foot into a horse riding stance and execute an elbow stirke to right palm with left elbow Meaning : defender continues offfensive, forcing opponent back. |
Movement 24 : execute a knife-hand block with left hand. Meaning : middle section defense. |
Movement 25 : close left hand into fist (grabing opponent) step forward with right foot into a hores riding stance and execute a middle sectoin punch with right fist. Yell, "Ki Hop!" Meaning : grabbing opponent's arm to control him and counterattacking. |
End. |
Main | Schedule | Glory | Training | Anniversary | ECA Maze | BBQ | Objectives | Plans | Man Com | Sch Com | Poomse | Guest Bk | MSHS
Combined Basic Movements | Basic Taegeuk | Taegeuk 1 | Taegeuk 2 | Taegeuk 3 | Taegeuk 4 | Taegeuk 5 | Taegeuk 6 | Taegeuk 7 | Taegeuk 8
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