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Our Training

Our training sessions are conducted every Saturday's afternoons from 1.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. by our chief instructor, Mr. Terence Tan Yong Huat and other qualified instructors. Mr. Terence Tan is presently a fifth-dan black belt holder and he was an ex-national coach. Being an full-time taekwondo coach and a coach of many clubs, he is indeed well-qualified to coach the trainees. Our assistant instructors, all of them ex-marists, have gone through the rigorous technical coaching course jointly conducted by the Singapore Sports Council and the Singapore Taekwondo Federation. In addition, most of our assistant instructors have also gone through the National Coaching Accreditation Programme --- Theory lessons conducted by the Singapore Sports Council.

For those who feel that a training session a week is insufficient, we are now holding classes for all, expecially ex-marists, to join us for our Wednesday in the school hall at 7.30 p.m.


1. Our Instructors

2. Saturday Training (Afternoon Sessions/Secondary Section)

3. Saturday Training (Afternoon Sessions/Primary Section)

4. Wednesday Training (Night Sessions)

5. Camps


1. Our instructors

Our dedicated instructors put in many hours in coaching the marists.

Behind (L - R): Ng Chee Chiu, Chong Shao Hong, Steven Ng Chiang Seng

Front (L - R): John Ng Lee Wei, Zhou Xiaoqi, Tan Teck Kim

Absent : Mr. Terence Tan

Our Dedicated Instructions

Our three other instructors who completed their instructor course in 2000.

They are (from left to right):

Daniel Lim Hao Ting, Teo Hon Wui, Janus Ong Yin Hao

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2. Saturday Training (Afternoon Sessions/Secondary Section)

Our Secondary School students taking a group photo together.

Doing push up
Push-up position down!
Our trainees build up their muscles through a series of exercises, including sit-ups, push-ups and jumping jacks. A set of exercise for the warm-up usually contains 30 sit-ups, 20 push-up and 20 counts of 4 jumping jacks.

This photograph shows our trainees doing their patterns. Patterns or 'Poomse' are sets of systematic series of movements which incorporate ideal attacking and defensive techniques against imaginary opponents. They can be considered as a form of choreography which captures the essence of taekwondo. Regular 'Poomse' practice will help in the development of rhythm, balance, co-ordination, endurance, patience, muscles, discipline and proper breath control.

Doing Poomse
Practising their Poomse in ernest

A back hook
Wow, a back hook!
One of our trainee trying to execute a back-hook during training. 

The photograph shows a sparring practice, with the person in track pants being our chief instructor, Mr Terence Tan. Sparring in Maris Stella High Taekwondo Club under the strict supervision of our chief instructor, Mr Terence Tan and senior instructors. Sparring is allowed only for trainees with at least a green belt and who have achieved a reasonable standard. 

Sparring Practice
Sparring under the watchful eye of our chief instructor

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3. Saturday Training (Afternoon Sessions/Primary Section)

Our Primary school students taking a photo together. Looking at their playfulness, one can never imagine how well they can execute their Taekwondo movements until you see them in action!


Pimray School Students doing warming up

Our primary school students training in the shade of the basketball courts.

We usually train in the Shaw Foundation Hall, however, when this photograph was taken, the hall was used for O Level Examination.

Our instructors are on hand to guide the students if they made any mistakes.

The primary students doing a kick.

Everyone is enjoying himself in this activity

Primary School Students kicking

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4. Wednesday Training (Night Sessions)

Kicking targets The trainees and instructors make use of Wednesday night's training to practice their kicks and other sparring techniques.

Sparring were also conducted during the training.

Sparring training

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5. Camps

The Maris Stella High Taekwondo Club successfully held the 5th Annual Taekwondo Training Camp from 6th to the 9th December 1999. New elements like unarmed combat were introduced to this camp. There were more building up of teamwork, and initiative games were introduced to enhance team spirit.

We set up tents in the school field to allow the trainees to enjoy an unique and different experience. However, the weather played us out and we have to sleep in the shelter on the second night.

Our new addition to the camp : -- unarmed combat. Taught to the trainees by our own instructor, Mr. Chong Shao Hong.

He is also a qualified taekwondo and unarmed combat instructor in Police Academy.

Shown in the picture is him demonstrating an armed locked on of the trainees.

After the demonstration, the campers were paired up and practiced under supervised conditions.

Full contact sparring under two qualified referee (only one referee is shown in this picture) and in full gear. The trainees get to experience a different sort of sparring condition from the normal training.

Zhou Xiao Qi, the qualified referee, was also on hand to explain the rules of the match to the rest of the campers and to supervise the match.

Fun were not lost as the campers enjoyed themselves in games such as water balloons.

Of course, the campers and the instructors all assisted in clearing the place after the game finished. But who notices the hardwork after such fun?

After three days of fun, training and learning, all were happy and truly benefited from this camp. Each of the campers will be bringing home much memories, in addition to this picture which each of the camper received. And i'm sure that all the campers will be looking forward to the next camp!


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Last Updated on 26082002