After 13 long years as an ECA catered to all Marists, we have recently
published the plans of the club. The plans are in-line with both the school's
and the ministry's plans. These plans are those which we have been putting
to actions or will be put into actions.
- Physical Fitness Test
Our Plans
We hope to achieve the following minimum standard in our trainees :-
- Sec 1 --- 80% Bronze
- Sec 2 --- 100% Bronze
- Sec 3 --- 70% Silver
- Sec 4 --- 90% Silver
Our Actions
We have started to keep records of our trainees and will be paying more
attentions to trainees who required extra help to meet the target of
the NAPFA tests. In addition to that, all trainees going for 1st DAN/POOM
grading will undergo the NAPFA test conducted by our instructors or
committee members. They will have to meet the silver standard before
they are allowed to go for the grading.
- Entering Competitions
Our Plans
We hope to participate in the following tournaments:-
- National Championships
We will send the following trainees and instructors:-
- Instructors
- Selected Ex-Marist who are blackbelt holders
- Inter-club tournaments sanctioned by Singapore Taekwondo Federation
- Pattern Demonstration tournaments
Our Actions
- In 1997, one of our instructors won a bronze medal in the Pesta
Sukan National Taekwondo Championship.
- We participated in both the 1st and the 2nd Chinese Swimming CLub
Invitational Taekwondo Championship held in 1996 and 1997 respectively.
We won a total a 1 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze medals.
- We have participated in the Europa Cup for the SPEX2000 trainees
and won a total of 2 gold, 1 silver and 5 bronze medals.
- We have participated in the pattern demonstration category in
the annual Pesta Sukan National Taekwondo
- Championship and won a total of 2 gold and 4 bronze medals.
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