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Combined Basic Movements | Basic Taegeuk | Taegeuk 1 | Taegeuk 2 | Taegeuk 3 | Taegeuk 4 | Taegeuk 5 | Taegeuk 6 | Taegeuk 7 | Taegeuk 8


'Poomse’ or formal exercises — more commonly known in Singapore as patterns — are sets of systematic series of movements which incorporate ideal attacking and defensive techniques against imaginary opponents. They can be considered as a form of choreography which captures the essence of taekwondo. 

Although 'Poomse’ contain the essential principles and philosophy of taekwondo, many exponents choose to attach little significance to their practice — the only tangible benefit is the stepping stones they offer to higher grades. However, there are more to 'Poomse’ than meets the eye. 

‘Poomse’ are the identity of taekwondo. Most schools of martial arts have their own distinct sets of patterns. Taekwondo is not an exception although it is now being promoted vigorously as a modern sport. 

Regular 'Poomse’ practice will help in the development of rhythm, balance, co-ordination, endurance, patience, muscles, discipline and proper breath control. Moreover, 'Poomse’ are convenient and effective forms of taekwondo training for all ages, sex and physical abilities. 

The movements in 'Poomse’ range from the simple to the complex. They are executed at varying speeds (slow, normal or fast) and on different stances. Some actions require breath and muscular control. In order to be able to perform 'Poomse’ aesthetically, constant and sustained practice is imperative. Through repetition come the virtue of perseverance and patience. The execution of the complex movements requires motor skills. The complex movements will contribute towards the
development of balance, coordination, rhythm and endurance. 

On top of the physical benefits that can be achieved through regular 'Poomse’ training. 'Poomse’ have philosophical relevance. All 'Poomse’ begin and end at the same area. This feature denotes that man comes with nothing and will go in the same manner — i.e. without anything. ‘Man is born without knowledge and when he has obtained it, he very soon becomes old. When his experience is ripe, death suddenly seizes him’. 

In an attempt to inculcate the right attitude, 'Poomse’ are deliberately designed to begin with defensive actions. This also signifies the defensive nature of taekwondo. 

In view of the above, 'Poomse’ should be practised in the right spirit and not just as a passport to the next grade. 

Declaimer : The poomse guide posted is not meant to serve as authority on the poomse grading or otherwise, used in Singapore or in any country. The author will not hold responsibility for any circumstances arising from the use of this guide.


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Combined Basic Movements | Basic Taegeuk | Taegeuk 1 | Taegeuk 2 | Taegeuk 3 | Taegeuk 4 | Taegeuk 5 | Taegeuk 6 | Taegeuk 7 | Taegeuk 8

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