New Rules, Refs!With new taekwondo rules implemented this year, the Singapore Taekwondo Federation organised a Referee's Seminar on 23 August 1998. Held at the National Training Centre, the seminar was a familiarity exercise, used to make the new rules clear to our referees, of which 53 took part.
New TagsDuring the National Taekwondo Championships on 29 - 30 August 1998, a new tag was introduced. As it was for taekwondo coaches, it was aptly called coach's tag. From now on, identification and the qualifications of the coach will be easier to surmise from just looking at the tag.
Referees' Course A SuccessThe 19th Taekwondo Referees' Course, held from 3-21 August 1998, was a tremendous success. All 18 participants who underwent the course passed the test. The Singapore Taekwondo Federation would like to congratulate all the referees on making the grade.
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