SSC National Coaching
Accreditation Programme
Course participants with Mr Lim Toneg Chin (seated second from right) and
Mr Stanley Yeo (seated third from right)
Some of the bravehearts hard at it.
Course conductor Tan Cheng Hui showing the way
The following coaches have passed the National Coaching Accreditation Programme. Congratulations!
S/No Name
1 Chan Chee Hee, Leonard
2 Chan Kwang Seng, Jason
3 Chan, Sigmund
4 Choo Boon Hwee, Allan
5 Choy Kean Hau
6 Fong Yee Min
7 Gunaseelan s/o Thangavellu
8 Huang Shu Hao, John
9 Keh Chun Hown
10 Khong Kin Weng
11 Lee Hiong Hwa
12 Liew, Gerald
13 Mohamed Reza Bin Mohamed Hashim
14 Ng Chee Beng, Jason
15 Ng Huiluan
16 Ng Kian Jemg, James
17 Poh Tze Chap
1 8 See Poh Kok
19 Sim Pei Pei
20 Wong Lai Ping, Alice
21 Yap Tien Hock, Abel
S/No Name
I Chong Teng Kok
2 Choo Poh Jin Adrian
3 Goh Seng Kie George
4 Gooi Hong Peng
5 Hsieh Kok Seng
6 Kong Wei Weng Joseph
7 L Thanabalan
8 Liw Chew Woon Jackie
9 Lim Say Teng
I 0 Low Hian Hong
11 Mah Yew Fook Collin
12 Mohamed Ali Bin Bakar
13 Mohamed Salleh Mohd Tawil
14 Mohammed Azam Bin Jibani
15 Ong Seck Soon
16 Ong Ti6ng Seng
17 Quah Kang Hui Benny
18 Ruslan Bin Mustaffa
19 Sharifuddin Bin Mohd Anwar
20 Sim Ghee Tong
21 Tan Hoe Chye
22 Tan Yong Hong
S/No Name
I G Rajendran
2 Ho Kee Khoon Michael
3 Huan Teck Beng
4 Lee Teck Hwee
5 Lee Thiam Huat
6 Lee Thiam Poh
7 Leong Chee Kee
8 Murthy s/o Muthu
9 Ng Hui Lian
10 Tan Cheah Her Sam
11 Tan Kok Heng Roy
12 Wong Hong Thai
1 3 Yeo Boon Thiang Stanley