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Joyce in TrainingJOYCE CHONG 


Singapore national taekwondo exponent Joyce Chong spent the month of January in a Korean high school training with the local students. The Singapore Federation (STF) sent the 18 year old student for the training stint with the view that she can benefit from training under top-class coaches and bring glory to Singapore in the future.

     This was a totally new experience for Joyce. It was winter when she arrived in Korea and she was overjoyed when she saw snow for the first time. "Oooh, it was so so beautiful," Joyce exclaimed. There was not much time to enjoy it though. For a month, she stayed in the hostel of Koyang High School and trained four times per day. Training started at 6.30pm in the morning and continued till 9.30am. Other than taekwondo training, there were also lots of physical conditioning exercises involved

     "We did a lot of uphill running to improve our endurance. I improved my techniques tremendously after training under the Korean coaches," added Joyce. With the demands of Korean training, that comes as no surprise.

Joyce Chong     Other than coping with the tough training, Joyce had to do her own washing of clothes and learn to be independent. Food was not much of a problem as there was a canteen where Korean food was dished up. Initially, Joyce was not used to the food and suffered a little food poisoning.

     Joyce returned to Singapore feeling tougher and more confident. She says she can feel the difference after the one-month training stint. "I have benefited tremendously from this attachment. If I have the chance, I would love to visit Korea again to improve further."

Joyce Chong

"We did a lot of uphill running to improve our endurance. I improved my tachniques tremendously after training under the Korean coaches.'

--- Joyce Chong


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Last Updated on 020801