THE National Coaching Accreditaion Programme (NCAP) was designed by the Sinagpore Sports Council in 1996, with the aim of upgrading the quality of coaching in Singapore. This works handily with the philosophy of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation, which is that taekwondo exponents deserve the best coaches. Judging from the response so far to the various courses held, current coaches as well as aspiring ones share that same belief. THE National Coaching Accreditaion Programme (NCAP) was designed by the Singapore Sports Council in 1996, with the aim of upgrading the quality of coaching in Singapore. This works handily with the philosophy of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation, which is that taekwondo exponents deserve the best coaches. Judging from the response so far to the various courses held, current coaches as well as aspiring ones share that same belief. For example, since 1996, the FEderation has conducted five NCAP (Level 1) theory courses and the same course in April 1998 has already been fully subscribed. Its popularity could very well see another one organised at the end of the year. It is indeed a positive sign that taekwondo coachs in Singapore want to be the best that they can possibly be. Long may this continue. Courses lined up for 1998 are as follows:
Please call Mr Stanley Yeo, Assistant Secretary, Coaching Committee, at 9618-4254 for details of the various courses. |
NCAP (Level 1) Theory(8 to 29 December 1997)ResultsThe following candidates have successfully completed the course:
Last Updated on 010801 |